Monday, May 25, 2009


I just love summer! I'm so excited! I get to sleep in, no homework, I don't have to put makeup on everyday, and I can just chill outside. There is a downside. I have to, I mean, get to swath, rake, and milk cows. I probably get to help clean the house too! I just can't wait for that. I just love cleaning. Madelyn, Androo, and Maclain are all working at the airport, so I don't really have to worry about them. I can stay up late, well later then my usual bedtime which is nine. I don't have time to play with Koda during school, so I bet she's real excited for summer. :) I love it!!!!

.A perfect man.

These are some qualities I would want in a perfect man.

  • Brown, curly hair
  • Dark blue eyes
  • Not nasty ripped, but some muscle definition :)
  • Tan but not really dark.
  • Some facial hair on his jawline
  • Sense of humor but can be serious
  • Smart
  • Doesn't think women are suppose to be in the house all the time
  • Doesn't get mad all the time
  • Non-jealous
I guess that's a very specific but small list. I'm sure it will change when I meet the right guy, but for now......... :)


This is the name of my crazy, cute, little cousin. I went to my Uncle's house for a BBQ and Ryan brought his son, Kason. At first, he was just a cute little angel. Then he wanted me to push him around on his bike. We were on the grass and he couldn't pedal. There's a small hill at my Uncle's and that's where I had to push him. So, maybe the hill wasn't that small. I pushed him up and down that hill at least twenty times. Then, he wanted to play super heroes. I was the bad guy and had to run away from him. I was so tired! He's a fast bugger. Then I was turned into a good guy. I had to run with him now. Oh, that was just so fun. Everyone was done eating, so we went inside to watch a basketball game. I thought Kason would crash. Oh boy was I wrong. He started to pretend to be a puppy, and thought it'd be cool to try and give me puppy kisses. I could barely hold him back, so I told him to get Madee. She didn't want to hurt him, so she got tons of little puppy kisses. After that, he spilled a lot of popcorn and wouldn't stop bugging me about getting him some pop. Even though it was crazy the whole time, I think he is the cutest little boy ever!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

.Things I wonder about.

Who came up with milking a cow?
How and why did someone think of putting a blade on their shoe, and riding around on it over a frozen body of water?
Why do girls shave their legs?
Pig Latin.... Need I say more?
Who was bored out of their mind and decided to play a game with string?
Why is it called getting in a pickle in softball?
Who thought it'd be fun to jump off a 100 foot cliff, and land in some water?
Who thought of popping a zit?
Quick changing? (look it up on youtube) ;)
Why do people eat pig snouts?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

.Little kid games.

There are so many dumb games I would play as a little girl. One of them was dogs. I bet everyone has played this game. Madelyn was the owner and Matthew, Luke, and I were the dogs. My name was usually Dolly, off of Beethoven. I can't remember the boy's. We would use Cocoa Puffs for our dog food. That's about it. We would just act like dogs and eat. Fun huh? When I would try to play with Allyson, she would always say my name was Rover. I didn't want the name Rover, so I would end up not playing.
Another game I would play is Spies. Matthew and I would go out on the hay bales, with a backpack of fake knives and other random stuff, and pretend to be spies. It was really fun. We would pretend to fight people and jump off the hay bales. I loved it so much! I've always wanted to be a real spy. But pretending is probably just as fun.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

.This One Girl.

Kameko Lewinsky~ Wouldn't this be the coolest name ever? Okay so maybe not. I was going to write Kameron Lewiston but I looked on spell check and Kameko Lewinsky was the other name. Kameko is from Chinese descent. Her mom's parents were both Chinese, so I guess I just could have said her mom was Chinese. Anyway, they immigrated to the United states when Kami was born. Kami is now her nickname because I don't want to spell Kameko anymore. Kami grew up in Vermont. She is an only child and loves it because she gets spoiled. Kami has long, flowing, ebony, hair. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of deep blue. Her eyes are almond shaped and she has long, thick eyelashes. Kami has full, red lips and dimples when she smiles. Her teeth are perfectly straight and amazingly white. She has tanned, unblemished skin and an hourglass figure. In other words, she's perfect.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Have you ever really listened to the music in movies? I'm not talking about musicals. I'm talking about the background music. No movie is the same without the background music. Have you ever watched a scary movie on mute? Yeah, it's not the same at all! How about a really romantic scene? The first kiss maybe. If there's no music, there's no drama. I know that we don't have background music in our real lives, but no one is watching us like we watch people in movies. Music helps set the mood in the movie. How boring would the first credits be if we didn't have music? We would just have to sit there in the movie theater, waiting for something to happen. People would start coming ten minutes late to the movie just to skip the boring silence. Now since we have music, it is not that boring. We get to sit and listen to a wonderful song while the credits play. Music makes life a lot better!

.Favorite Actors.

This is just a small list of some of my favorite actors and actresses.
  • Johnny Depp
  • Jim Carrey
  • Adam Sandler
  • Orlando Bloom
  • Brad Pitt
  • Matt Damon
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Sandra Bullock
  • Kiera Knightly
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Katherine Heigl
  • Anne Hathaway

.The Little Things.

I had a softball tournament on Friday and Saturday. When we went to Fiest, there was a man there. He had to be in about his late twenties i think. He would stand out on the road by the ball diamond. When we hit foul balls, he would try to catch them. One went right to him. He missed. Coach Jenny went to get it. He handed the ball to her then asked her how to catch the ball. It was so sweet! The next one that went to him, he caught it. Everyone clapped and cheered for him. If you haven't guessed yet, the guy had some mental problem. I don't know exactly what he had. He wore tiger striped pants and had a letterman jacket that said "Superfan" on the back. It made me realize that I needed to appreciate the little things in life. I'm really glad he was there to teach me this little lesson in life. I'm kind of sad that I didn't even get a chance to know the guys name.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

.Crazy people.

I've met my share of crazy people. I would like to share one of them with you now.

When me and my family went to watch the Lord of the Rings movie, there he was. A big guy probably in his upper 20's sitting by himself. The movie started and everything was fine. A couple minutes go by. The guy starts quoting the movie!! He knew pretty much every line! Sometimes he would even act surprised. For example, " Whoa! Elephants!!!" I think he'd probably seen the movie at least 20 times. Then, to make matters worse, he spilled his drink. If any of you forgot, the floor slants. There was pop everywhere! After that, he kept on quoting the whole movie. Now I can never watch Lord of the Rings without thinking of that guy.


Lucy. Lucy was a quiet girl. Lucy did her school work and never fought with anyone. Lucy has seven sisters. Kim, Larissa, Jenny, Natalie, Rose, Hillary, and Candace. Her dad died when Lucy was born. Lucy was the youngest. One day, Lucy was walking home. Lucy had to stay after school to take a test. Lucy heard the ambulance and fire trucks. They headed down her road. Lucy ran after them. Lucy saw the smoke before she saw her house. Lucy's home was nothing but a big flame. Lucy could not see her family. The police came over to Lucy. They talked for a long time. Lucy did her school work and never fought with anyone. Lucy was a quiet girl. Lucy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

.Things to do when you're bored.

This is just a little list of things you can do if you have nothing else to do.
  • Try to say the alphabet backwards really super fast.
  • Read blogs on the internet.
  • Sing really loudly and off tune.
  • Pretend you are a super spy and dart behind walls and make notes of people.
  • Hold your breath.
  • Get a cardboard box and use your imagination.
  • Be a gangster rapper and only talk in rhymes.
  • Make your own back round music.
  • Pretend you have a weird twitch.
  • Talk with a lisp.
  • See how long you can do a handstand.
  • Make up your own language.
  • Make your own dance move.
  • Try to talk without using the letter s.
  • Laugh. Just do it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


These are my favorite videos on YouTube, in no particular order:

  1. Charlie Bit Me
  2. Mad TV
  3. Russian Singer
  4. Paul Hunt Gymnastics
  5. Just For Laughs
  6. Improv Everywhere
  7. Biff's Question Song
  8. Larger Than Life Truck Scene
  9. America/Britain's Got Talent
  10. Any Break Dancing
  11. America's Best Dance Crew
  12. Pet Star
  13. Japanese Pranks
  14. Music Videos
  15. Free Running

.Espanol Anyone?.

My sister Lindsi knows Spanish. It is very neat and/or swell. I thought everyone would like to know some easy phrases. Just the basics of course.

  • Hola me llamo ____. : Hello my name is ____. (Sadie) :-D
  • Donde esta el bano? : Where is the bathroom?
  • De donde eres? : Where are you from?
  • Soy de aqui. : I am from here.
  • Como se dice ____? : How do you say ____?
  • Donde estas? : Where are you?
  • Cuantos anos tienes? How old are you?
  • Tengo dieciseis anos. I am sixteen.
  • Cuando es tu cumpleanos? When is your birthday?
  • El catorce de Octubre. October 14.
  • Donde trabajas? Where do you work?
  • Trabajo en la casa. I work at home.
  • Adonde vas? Where are you going?
  • Voy pa la escuela. I'm going to school.
  • Me encanta! : I'm lovin it!

.Andrew's Home!!.

These are some of the reasons I am ecstatic that Andrew is home.
  • It is no longer my sole responsibility to annoy the crap out of my brothers.
  • I don't have to e-mail him every week anymore.
  • I missed his dumb jokes.
  • I'm not the only girl here anymore.... Oh wait Luke still lives here... ;)
  • I miss hearing the guitar while I'm trying to sleep.
  • I wont have to milk cows as often.
  • We'll have more people when we play board games.
  • We get a cake for his birthday.
  • Luke might not fight with Matthew as much. Maybe...
  • I won't have all the responsibility in the house for being the oldest.
  • I'll have someone that is somewhat intelligent to talk to.
  • I missed his "Not Happy" face.
The main reason I'm so glad he's home is because I love him so much. If any of you did not know, Andrew has been on a mission in Canada. That's pretty much it. Now he is home and all is well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

.These are a few of my Favorite Things!.

Well, I just thought I'd write about my dog Koda. Haha! Gotcha! You really thought I was going to write about my dog you silly goose! O.k. so for reals I'm writing about some of my favorite things.
  • Music
  • Laughing
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Eating Italian Food (especially manicotti! Yum yum!)
  • Talking
  • Sports
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Watching Movies
Things that I don't enjoy so much...
  • Listening to my brothers fight
  • Yelling
  • Milking cows
  • Cleaning
  • History
  • Taking the dog out
  • Practicing piano (I love playing piano just hate practicing)
  • Eating in front of people
  • Being by myself
  • Not having money


O.k. So the title has pretty much nothing to do with this blog. Well, I guess if you count how random this blog is, then it may have to do with everything this blog is. So that last sentence made no sense whatsoever. Wow, this is probably the worst blog ever. For one, I don't think I've typed anything worth reading in it. Second, I just read through this blog and found out that my number one hypothesis is correct. Well, I think I'll talk about how exciting my life is. Just kidding, I won't because I really don't want to talk about that subject. If ya know what I mean. ;) Haha so instead of doing a smiling wink the first time, I did a frowny wink. Like this. ;( Jeez I'm pretty much hilarious. Bum Bum Be Dum, Bum Bum Be Dum Bum.... Can anyone guess what that song is?? I'll give you ten seconds to guess.......... O.k. if you guessed Umbrella by Rhianna, you pretty much just guessed wrong. If you guessed Double Double This This, you are probably a little messed up in the head. The correct answer is Disturbia by Rhianna. I know none of you guessed this because I have an awesome power called..... Mind readingness. Yes readingness is a real word, look it up. O.k. don't look it up because it's not a real word. I lied. So I think this blog has to come to an end. Sad I know... :'( BWAHAHA!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

.The Candle.

So I wrote this poem in eighth grade and I thought everyone would be delighted to see it so here it is. :)

I lay on my bed,
A pounding in my head.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I stare at the ceiling,
Oh, the secrets I`m concealing.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I`ve seen him before,
And not anymore.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I hold the gun,
It`s almost done.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

The bullet sounds,
My heart pounds.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, his heart stops.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

.Bucket List.

Well, ummm, the title says it all. :)
  • Go skydiving.
  • Star in a movie.
  • Face my fear and go swimming with some sharks.
  • Go to Paris.
  • Learn French. (Or some other awesome language.)
  • Win an award.
  • Watch the Superbowl in real life.
  • Learn how to break dance.
  • Meet Shia Labeouf.
  • Travel around the world.
This is just some of the things I want to do. I'll probably come back and add some more when I think of them...

.Pickup Lines.

These are some of the funniest pickup lines I've ever seen!!!

Did you fart? Because you blew me away.
Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas.
Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
Hey I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
If you were the new burger at McDonald's you would be the Mcgorgeous!
Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
I know I'm not a grocery item but I can tell when you're checking me out.
Life without you would be like a broken pencil...pointless.
If you were a booger I'd pick you first.
Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you got "fine" written all over you.
Do you have a Band aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
You look so sweet your givin' me a toothache.
Kiss me if I am wrong, but isn't your name (take a guess)...Bertha??


Pokemon have the weirdest names ever! Snaps to whoever came up with all these crazy names! :)I'll just list the names I think are the strangest.(There are about 500 different Pokemon in all.)





















I could probably go on for a lot longer. For one, I looked these up on the internet. But I do know all these names and how to pronounce each. I even know the Pokemon theme song, so if anyone wants to hear it, let me know! ;)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

.'Guin Rap.

Penguins are black and mixed with white,
Betta not diss 'em or you're gonna start a fight.
They eat little fish, that swim in the sea,
Not too fierce but ya betta let 'em be.

Break it down now,
Penguins, ah yes, above all the rest.

Check 'em out at da zoo, watch for poo,
Ya betta not feed 'em or they comin' after you.
They ain't like us, cuz they lay eggs,
And they own those short, stubby legs.

One more time now,
Penguins, ah yes, they put you to test.

.Unlikely Superheroes.

.:Captain Almost:. Here he comes to the rescue... almost. He almost gets distracted by an ongoing bank robbery which he almost stops. He almost decides to go to the corner of Ninth and Baker where he almost puts out a house fire. Captain Almost almost flew up to the falling airplane and almost saved the day. He is the most helpful superhero ever- almost.

.:Super Scooper:. Super Scooper scoops up after you!
Elderly man, "Aw crap, my dog just crapped!"
Super Scooper, "Don't fear! Super Scooper's here!"
Elderly man, "Phew! I was afraid I'd have to do the job myself. Thank goodness you've arrived!"
Super Scooper, "They poop, I scoop. They feces, I pick up the pieces."

.:Bananaman:. Young lady, "Help! I'm being robbed!!"
Bananaman, "Don't worry... I'm coming... With these bananas I have."
Theif, " Umm, ah I'm scared?!"
Bananaman, "Uh, yeah! You should be scared! Do you have any idea what these bananas can do?"
Thief, " Yeah..... No I don't."
Bananaman, " Hahaha you fool! These were just decoys! The real power I have is getting you distracted while I call a real superhero!"
Thief, " Oh no! Who'd ya call?"
Bananaman, " The one and only, Captain Almost!"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

.Little Brothers.

Luke- What a nice bible name. Luke is the kind boy who likes to watch way too much t.v. Usually all his comebacks are quotes from t.v. He really likes to watch wrestling and other sports. Sometimes he talks to himself and he sings to himself. Luke can be really sweet sometimes. He helps me make dinner, takes the dog out, carries heavy stuff for me, and scrapes the ice off the car.

Matthew- Another wonderful bible name. He likes to shoot hoops outside all the time. Matt is starting to learn how to play the drums. He plays them all the time!! Matt used to be the shyest boy in the world. One time he got his name on the board in kindergarten for not saying here. He wouldn't even talk to my grandparents! Like Luke, Matt has his sweet side. Today, he carried my books into the house because I had all my softball stuff.

Together- So, we're all sitting on the couch, watching a movie. The movie is almost over. Luke decides to bug Matt. They start yelling and fighting. Luke pulls a wrestling on Matt. Matt starts screaming like a girly man. I'm still trying to watch the movie but can't here over the obnoxious screaming. I pause the movie to get the boys to stop fighting. Not working!! I use my manipulative blackmail to get Luke to stop fighting. Works every time. :) That's usually how it is with every movie we watch. Except if we haven't seen it before. Then there's no fighting till after the movie is over.

Monday, March 16, 2009

.Milking Cows.

Not very many people get to experience this wonderful thing. Since this is the case, I will gladly tell my own experiences.
I started milking when I was about in 2ND grade. The little kids, Madelyn, me , Luke, and Matthew, would pretty much be out there for company to the older kids. When I started, all I could do was the dipping. I always touched the cows leg before I dipped so the cow knew I was there. Bad Idea. They were used to my dad just going without touching them. I would usually get kicked. It didn't hurt very much, but it scared the crap out of me. When I got a little older, I started wiping. This was not a very easy process. You have to get all the dipping stuff off. I wasn't very good at this. The next thing I learned was how to put the milker on. This was the hardest of all. You had to push the button, hold the milker in one hand, and hurry and put all the sucker things on. It was very hard if you were short because you couldn't reach the far ones. After the milker comes off, you have to dip again. I forgot to mention that sometimes, when the cow kicks you, you drop the dipping stuff and it gets all over your clothes! After all the cows are milked, you have to wash out the barn. This was the only thing I was good at.
My first time milking, I was helping Allyson. While she was dipping the cows, she told me to come look at something. Being stupid little me, I came over. Suddenly milked sprayed my face and got me all sticky and wet. I was pretty mad. She told me it happens to everyone and that I should grow up. Another time Madee and I were washing the barn out. We got mad at each other. I had the hose so I decided it would be a good idea to spray her with it. I was wrong. I dropped the hose and ran for my life. She got me soaking wet while I only got a little of her pants. I had to walk to the house freezing my butt off!
These are only two of the many experiences I have with milking. Writing all of them down would probably take all day.

.Terrible Day.

So, there I was stinky little fourth grader, who wanted a dog real bad. I called my mom and she said " ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" I then called my dad. " Daddy can we please get a puppy?" Dad said yes. :) I went and got my puppy and took her home. For once dad said I could get a girl puppy. A couple days later, Allyson and Madelyn came home from early morning piano lessons. That's when the bad started. "Sadie, when we were going to piano, we accidentally ran over the dog." I was really upset. I went our bar and started crying. I look down and see my best friend glass charm thing, smashed to pieces. I started to cry even harder! "Who broke this?!?" No one would fess up. I sadly went to school. It was recess. Cherisse was at play practice so I was just wandering around the soccer field. William Kidd caught a huge bee in a jar and was carrying it around. He decided I should "guard" it for him. I picked up a huge tumbleweed and walked around holding the bee. KaCee came near it so I hit him with the tumbleweed. " That'll teach him" I thought to myself. All the sudden I was on the ground. KaCee decided to trip me after I hit him. When I got up I looked to see if the bee was still there. All I saw was broken glass and a bunch of blood falling to the ground. I began to get light-headed when Mrs. Smuin rushed over. She placed her glove over my eye and started walking me to the office. When I got there, they called my mom. Mr. Mackay carried me to my car and I went to Dr. Zundle. He stitched me up and I went home. I got ten stitches that day. Eight above my eye and two on the side of my head. Oh, I did find out who broke my charm. Andew was throwing it around and it fell on the counter and broke. That was probably the worst day of my life. After a couple of days I got another puppy and she still lives today. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

.Chapter One.

While walking along the beach, my dog ran rollickingly ahead of me. I stayed behind staring intently at the ground. Then all of a sudden, something emerged from the unlit dock. My dog started frantically barking. That’s when I heard the earsplitting scream.
* * * * * *
My life could not be any more boring than it already is. I go to school, eat, and sleep. No on really understands me. No matter how hard I try, I always fail miserably. The only thing I’m good at is poetry. It lets me express myself. I don’t have to impress anyone when I write. I try to talk to people, but they don’t listen. The only good conversations I have are with my trusty old mutt Toby. I really think he understands me.
It’s the first day of my high school career. My first class is freshman English. I walked in just as the bell rang. The teacher got up to give us the first of the year speech.
“ Welcome everyone to the freshman English class!” Mr. Jacobs said enthusiastically. “Please take your seats and say here when I call out your name.”
He started through the list. I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I didn’t realize we had so many in this class. Suddenly his voice stopped.
“Kris? Kris Taylor?” Mr. Jacobs said looking around irritably.
“Here,” I said, blushing with embarrassment.
Mr. Jacobs moved on down the list until we were all marked down. Then he did something I really hate.
“Now since you are freshman, I don’t know much about you. I would like you all to stand up one at a time and tell anything about you.”
How could he do this to me? That was the one thing I did not want to do! We aren’t in first grade! I guess it could be worse though. I was not the first nor the last person to go so maybe I could get courage and do it. People stood up one at a time telling pointless little facts
about themselves that would soon be forgotten right after they were told. To my despair, it was my turn. The teacher beckoned me to stand up, so I did.
“ I really like to write and read poetry.”
“ Oh that’s very interesting Kris,” Mr. Jacobs added smiling. “Would you like to share some poetry with us?”
“Yeah right,” I thought to myself. “ Like I would want to tell them my poetry even though I didn’t even want to stand up. Like that was going to happen...”
“Umm, no that’s ok, it’s not that good.”
“Oh I’m sure it is,” Mr. Jacobs said and nodded for the next person to stand up. The rest of the class stood up and told us very interesting facts (not) about themselves. There were two people I remember out of the whole class. The first one was named Jason. I remember him because for one, he did not look like a freshman at all. I’m guessing he was about six’ five” or so. Secondly, his interesting fact was that he liked to shoot guns. This intrigued me because he didn’t say what he liked to shoot. For all I know it could be people!
The other person I remembered was Landon Davis.