Sunday, April 26, 2009

.The Little Things.

I had a softball tournament on Friday and Saturday. When we went to Fiest, there was a man there. He had to be in about his late twenties i think. He would stand out on the road by the ball diamond. When we hit foul balls, he would try to catch them. One went right to him. He missed. Coach Jenny went to get it. He handed the ball to her then asked her how to catch the ball. It was so sweet! The next one that went to him, he caught it. Everyone clapped and cheered for him. If you haven't guessed yet, the guy had some mental problem. I don't know exactly what he had. He wore tiger striped pants and had a letterman jacket that said "Superfan" on the back. It made me realize that I needed to appreciate the little things in life. I'm really glad he was there to teach me this little lesson in life. I'm kind of sad that I didn't even get a chance to know the guys name.

1 comment:

  1. Sadie it is funny how many people we actually bipass every day. Just paying attention to kids at school and recognizing the existence of a person is important. I'm glad you noticed that!

    Mrs. Scott
