Sunday, April 5, 2009


O.k. So the title has pretty much nothing to do with this blog. Well, I guess if you count how random this blog is, then it may have to do with everything this blog is. So that last sentence made no sense whatsoever. Wow, this is probably the worst blog ever. For one, I don't think I've typed anything worth reading in it. Second, I just read through this blog and found out that my number one hypothesis is correct. Well, I think I'll talk about how exciting my life is. Just kidding, I won't because I really don't want to talk about that subject. If ya know what I mean. ;) Haha so instead of doing a smiling wink the first time, I did a frowny wink. Like this. ;( Jeez I'm pretty much hilarious. Bum Bum Be Dum, Bum Bum Be Dum Bum.... Can anyone guess what that song is?? I'll give you ten seconds to guess.......... O.k. if you guessed Umbrella by Rhianna, you pretty much just guessed wrong. If you guessed Double Double This This, you are probably a little messed up in the head. The correct answer is Disturbia by Rhianna. I know none of you guessed this because I have an awesome power called..... Mind readingness. Yes readingness is a real word, look it up. O.k. don't look it up because it's not a real word. I lied. So I think this blog has to come to an end. Sad I know... :'( BWAHAHA!!

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