Monday, March 16, 2009

.Terrible Day.

So, there I was stinky little fourth grader, who wanted a dog real bad. I called my mom and she said " ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" I then called my dad. " Daddy can we please get a puppy?" Dad said yes. :) I went and got my puppy and took her home. For once dad said I could get a girl puppy. A couple days later, Allyson and Madelyn came home from early morning piano lessons. That's when the bad started. "Sadie, when we were going to piano, we accidentally ran over the dog." I was really upset. I went our bar and started crying. I look down and see my best friend glass charm thing, smashed to pieces. I started to cry even harder! "Who broke this?!?" No one would fess up. I sadly went to school. It was recess. Cherisse was at play practice so I was just wandering around the soccer field. William Kidd caught a huge bee in a jar and was carrying it around. He decided I should "guard" it for him. I picked up a huge tumbleweed and walked around holding the bee. KaCee came near it so I hit him with the tumbleweed. " That'll teach him" I thought to myself. All the sudden I was on the ground. KaCee decided to trip me after I hit him. When I got up I looked to see if the bee was still there. All I saw was broken glass and a bunch of blood falling to the ground. I began to get light-headed when Mrs. Smuin rushed over. She placed her glove over my eye and started walking me to the office. When I got there, they called my mom. Mr. Mackay carried me to my car and I went to Dr. Zundle. He stitched me up and I went home. I got ten stitches that day. Eight above my eye and two on the side of my head. Oh, I did find out who broke my charm. Andew was throwing it around and it fell on the counter and broke. That was probably the worst day of my life. After a couple of days I got another puppy and she still lives today. :)

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