Sunday, April 26, 2009


Have you ever really listened to the music in movies? I'm not talking about musicals. I'm talking about the background music. No movie is the same without the background music. Have you ever watched a scary movie on mute? Yeah, it's not the same at all! How about a really romantic scene? The first kiss maybe. If there's no music, there's no drama. I know that we don't have background music in our real lives, but no one is watching us like we watch people in movies. Music helps set the mood in the movie. How boring would the first credits be if we didn't have music? We would just have to sit there in the movie theater, waiting for something to happen. People would start coming ten minutes late to the movie just to skip the boring silence. Now since we have music, it is not that boring. We get to sit and listen to a wonderful song while the credits play. Music makes life a lot better!

.Favorite Actors.

This is just a small list of some of my favorite actors and actresses.
  • Johnny Depp
  • Jim Carrey
  • Adam Sandler
  • Orlando Bloom
  • Brad Pitt
  • Matt Damon
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Sandra Bullock
  • Kiera Knightly
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Katherine Heigl
  • Anne Hathaway

.The Little Things.

I had a softball tournament on Friday and Saturday. When we went to Fiest, there was a man there. He had to be in about his late twenties i think. He would stand out on the road by the ball diamond. When we hit foul balls, he would try to catch them. One went right to him. He missed. Coach Jenny went to get it. He handed the ball to her then asked her how to catch the ball. It was so sweet! The next one that went to him, he caught it. Everyone clapped and cheered for him. If you haven't guessed yet, the guy had some mental problem. I don't know exactly what he had. He wore tiger striped pants and had a letterman jacket that said "Superfan" on the back. It made me realize that I needed to appreciate the little things in life. I'm really glad he was there to teach me this little lesson in life. I'm kind of sad that I didn't even get a chance to know the guys name.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

.Crazy people.

I've met my share of crazy people. I would like to share one of them with you now.

When me and my family went to watch the Lord of the Rings movie, there he was. A big guy probably in his upper 20's sitting by himself. The movie started and everything was fine. A couple minutes go by. The guy starts quoting the movie!! He knew pretty much every line! Sometimes he would even act surprised. For example, " Whoa! Elephants!!!" I think he'd probably seen the movie at least 20 times. Then, to make matters worse, he spilled his drink. If any of you forgot, the floor slants. There was pop everywhere! After that, he kept on quoting the whole movie. Now I can never watch Lord of the Rings without thinking of that guy.


Lucy. Lucy was a quiet girl. Lucy did her school work and never fought with anyone. Lucy has seven sisters. Kim, Larissa, Jenny, Natalie, Rose, Hillary, and Candace. Her dad died when Lucy was born. Lucy was the youngest. One day, Lucy was walking home. Lucy had to stay after school to take a test. Lucy heard the ambulance and fire trucks. They headed down her road. Lucy ran after them. Lucy saw the smoke before she saw her house. Lucy's home was nothing but a big flame. Lucy could not see her family. The police came over to Lucy. They talked for a long time. Lucy did her school work and never fought with anyone. Lucy was a quiet girl. Lucy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

.Things to do when you're bored.

This is just a little list of things you can do if you have nothing else to do.
  • Try to say the alphabet backwards really super fast.
  • Read blogs on the internet.
  • Sing really loudly and off tune.
  • Pretend you are a super spy and dart behind walls and make notes of people.
  • Hold your breath.
  • Get a cardboard box and use your imagination.
  • Be a gangster rapper and only talk in rhymes.
  • Make your own back round music.
  • Pretend you have a weird twitch.
  • Talk with a lisp.
  • See how long you can do a handstand.
  • Make up your own language.
  • Make your own dance move.
  • Try to talk without using the letter s.
  • Laugh. Just do it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


These are my favorite videos on YouTube, in no particular order:

  1. Charlie Bit Me
  2. Mad TV
  3. Russian Singer
  4. Paul Hunt Gymnastics
  5. Just For Laughs
  6. Improv Everywhere
  7. Biff's Question Song
  8. Larger Than Life Truck Scene
  9. America/Britain's Got Talent
  10. Any Break Dancing
  11. America's Best Dance Crew
  12. Pet Star
  13. Japanese Pranks
  14. Music Videos
  15. Free Running

.Espanol Anyone?.

My sister Lindsi knows Spanish. It is very neat and/or swell. I thought everyone would like to know some easy phrases. Just the basics of course.

  • Hola me llamo ____. : Hello my name is ____. (Sadie) :-D
  • Donde esta el bano? : Where is the bathroom?
  • De donde eres? : Where are you from?
  • Soy de aqui. : I am from here.
  • Como se dice ____? : How do you say ____?
  • Donde estas? : Where are you?
  • Cuantos anos tienes? How old are you?
  • Tengo dieciseis anos. I am sixteen.
  • Cuando es tu cumpleanos? When is your birthday?
  • El catorce de Octubre. October 14.
  • Donde trabajas? Where do you work?
  • Trabajo en la casa. I work at home.
  • Adonde vas? Where are you going?
  • Voy pa la escuela. I'm going to school.
  • Me encanta! : I'm lovin it!

.Andrew's Home!!.

These are some of the reasons I am ecstatic that Andrew is home.
  • It is no longer my sole responsibility to annoy the crap out of my brothers.
  • I don't have to e-mail him every week anymore.
  • I missed his dumb jokes.
  • I'm not the only girl here anymore.... Oh wait Luke still lives here... ;)
  • I miss hearing the guitar while I'm trying to sleep.
  • I wont have to milk cows as often.
  • We'll have more people when we play board games.
  • We get a cake for his birthday.
  • Luke might not fight with Matthew as much. Maybe...
  • I won't have all the responsibility in the house for being the oldest.
  • I'll have someone that is somewhat intelligent to talk to.
  • I missed his "Not Happy" face.
The main reason I'm so glad he's home is because I love him so much. If any of you did not know, Andrew has been on a mission in Canada. That's pretty much it. Now he is home and all is well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

.These are a few of my Favorite Things!.

Well, I just thought I'd write about my dog Koda. Haha! Gotcha! You really thought I was going to write about my dog you silly goose! O.k. so for reals I'm writing about some of my favorite things.
  • Music
  • Laughing
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Eating Italian Food (especially manicotti! Yum yum!)
  • Talking
  • Sports
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Watching Movies
Things that I don't enjoy so much...
  • Listening to my brothers fight
  • Yelling
  • Milking cows
  • Cleaning
  • History
  • Taking the dog out
  • Practicing piano (I love playing piano just hate practicing)
  • Eating in front of people
  • Being by myself
  • Not having money


O.k. So the title has pretty much nothing to do with this blog. Well, I guess if you count how random this blog is, then it may have to do with everything this blog is. So that last sentence made no sense whatsoever. Wow, this is probably the worst blog ever. For one, I don't think I've typed anything worth reading in it. Second, I just read through this blog and found out that my number one hypothesis is correct. Well, I think I'll talk about how exciting my life is. Just kidding, I won't because I really don't want to talk about that subject. If ya know what I mean. ;) Haha so instead of doing a smiling wink the first time, I did a frowny wink. Like this. ;( Jeez I'm pretty much hilarious. Bum Bum Be Dum, Bum Bum Be Dum Bum.... Can anyone guess what that song is?? I'll give you ten seconds to guess.......... O.k. if you guessed Umbrella by Rhianna, you pretty much just guessed wrong. If you guessed Double Double This This, you are probably a little messed up in the head. The correct answer is Disturbia by Rhianna. I know none of you guessed this because I have an awesome power called..... Mind readingness. Yes readingness is a real word, look it up. O.k. don't look it up because it's not a real word. I lied. So I think this blog has to come to an end. Sad I know... :'( BWAHAHA!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

.The Candle.

So I wrote this poem in eighth grade and I thought everyone would be delighted to see it so here it is. :)

I lay on my bed,
A pounding in my head.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I stare at the ceiling,
Oh, the secrets I`m concealing.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I`ve seen him before,
And not anymore.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

I hold the gun,
It`s almost done.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, my heart stops.

The bullet sounds,
My heart pounds.
Drip drop drip drop,
The candle dies, his heart stops.